Barry Friedman Award

Mt. Sinai Barry Friedman Orthopaedic Resident Research Awards Competition

Three Awards are presented annually in monetary amounts of $1,000, $750 and $500 with the requirement of an in-person paper presentation during the occasion of the Mt. Sinai Rudolph Reich Lecture in Cleveland, Ohio.

The competition is open to all residents in orthopaedic training programs in the Cleveland and Akron area (see full submission requirements).

In keeping the Mt. Sinai legacy alive, Co-chairs, A. Seth Greenwald, D.Phil.(Oxon) and William H. Seitz, Jr., M.D., proudly honor the continuation of this award.

These awards are made possible by an endowment from the Friedman family, donations from Mt. Sinai Alumni and the Mt. Sinai Health Foundation. This competition encourages the submission of clinical, basic science or laboratory studies which advance our understanding of orthopaedic problems. 

Mt. Sinai Health Foundation
Barry Friedman

Barry Friedman, M.D. served for many years as Chairman of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Mt. Sinai Medical Center and these Awards recognize his contributions in both clinical and basic science activities.

Friedman Life
  • The competition is open to all residents in orthopaedic training programs in the Cleveland and Akron area.
  • Submissions may have associated authors as long as the resident is the primary investigator.
  • The original work cannot be previously published in the peer-reviewed literature or the recipient of a Cleveland-Akron Orthopaedic Society Resident Essay Contest Award. 
  • A blinded journal-formatted paper in PDF format should be submitted via the upload form below by deadline.

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